Timed and live auctions
Transition your current online auction to our system or replace your manual auction process with a user-friendly web-based system. You design the auction unique to your rules with an easy-to-use interface.
User Features
- Optional 15, 30, 60 minute extension ending rule by either lot OR auction
- Place Online Bids (or you can administratively bid for non-internet users)
- Manage their own Account
Admin Features
- Create multiple simultaneous auctions or sessions
- View and edit user account details
- Shipping automatically calculated
Ecommerce store
Make your inventory available for sale on-line. There is no limit to the number of listings and it takes just a few minutes to add additional items to your site whenever you need.
- Make offer option
- Customized storefront
- Easy bulk product upload

Global store inventory management
Sync the contents of your inventory to multiple markets including eBay, Beckett Marketplace, and more. With this integration, you will be able to list the same items on both your own website and eBay at the same time.
SimpleAuction brings together a turn-key auction solution at an affordable price that is supported by a team of talented individuals for your organization's continued success. Our team specializes in developing, designing, hosting, and supporting online auction web sites, e-commerce websites, store inventories and constant, multi-channel inventory synch.